
Clue Design website is an online platform showcasing the photographic works of Michael Zhao, an architect, and photographer.

Michael Zhao’s passion for capturing moments began when he was a little kid; he would document his own family through a camera lens. During his studies in architecture, he discovered a profound way to merge his two passions: people and architecture.

As an architect-turned-photographer, Mike possesses a keen eye for detail and composition, allowing him to capture the essence of buildings and cities skillfully. His unique approach to architectural photography centers around the intricate relationship between architecture, people, and the surrounding environment. Rather than merely documenting structures, he seeks to encapsulate the emotions and perspectives evoked by architecture, which results in imagery that reveals hidden nuances and provokes genuine emotional connections.

Through his photography, Michael Zhao aspires to ignite a deep appreciation for the beauty of architecture and unravel the captivating stories concealed within each structure.